I caught that darn bug. But I'm pretty sure we all knew I would :) *SIGH* It was an amazing experience. I feel like I can never really explain it quite right, but the end feeling... the completion... the result of stepping on stage perfectly proud of what you have done... One can only experience it for themselves to truly empathize with what I'm talking about.
From what I understand, its like giving birth. And being born. Women go through months and months of discomfort to come to the end which is hours upon hours of pain... To be presented with a beautiful child coming straight from their own body. And competing is similar: we work for months constantly tired and uncomfortable. And come peak week, it can be painful lol. Except in the end we present something so much more amazing than we could ever predict or imagine. When I was imagining the package I would bring to the stage, it wasn't this...
I'm being serious! I definitely didn't expect it. Because at one point, I was this....
Going from the longest week of my life down to the shortest minutes of my life, it really was such an incredible experience. I was so glad that I took the last couple of days off before the show, really just to get all my stuff done... errands and appointments.
Ugh errands, they wear me the eff out. Wednesday night after work, I
headed straight to Huckleberry's. For those that don't live in this
area, they're really the only "health food"/"yuppy" place in the city.
We only recently got a Trader Joe's, there is no Whole Foods around.
Lame. And the reason I needed to go there specifically was because
they're the only place that sells my favorite beer.
FireWeed! |
my workout, I headed to Wal-mart for some things. On Thursday, I met
with my prep coach in the morning and then headed straight to get waxed.
Oh man. That poor girl saw more of me than she probably ever wanted to.
Full legs, underarms, Brazilian, and eyebrows. If errands didn't wear
me out, that did. Results are totally worth it. ;)
Waxing almost everywhere lol, nails did, toes did and tan... All the running around wore me out! And driving with the spray tan... UGH! But let me tell you a little lesson I learned... No one can tell your tan smudges from the stage. Just sayin... I worried way too much about nothing.
And I have to admit, I wasn't even remotely nervous. It was fun being back stage seeing people snack on gummi bears and jelly beans, watching the Physique guys gorge on Krispy Kremes after they were done with the stage. I learned all about that unspoken rule of helping other competitors... I taped no less than 3 bikinis to boobs & bootys. It was also fun meeting the other girls my coach trains! I love that backstage, no one appears super competitive. Because we all know at that point, there is nothing we can do to get better. When it came time to take the stage, I knew in that moment that I could not have done anything differently.
The reality is that at this
very moment in time, I could not have done any better. We go through
long periods of time controlling ourselves and holding onto our
self-discipline and working intensely on our character to obtain
something we want. But we aren't perfect, and we can't expect to be
perfect. We can only expect to do our best. And if this is where my body
is its best at this very moment, then that was ME doing my best.
And I think this took away the nerves and anxiety, because I knew. And I am on cloud 9.
Hmmm, maybe it isn't taught how to pose for the money shot.. :) |
I took second in Bikini Class A. I was told that the judges were looking for a softer and rounder look with the shift in all divisions. However! 2nd place for my first competition?! I'll take that!
My first meal ended up being a beer and a Subway BLT... in bed. No joke, I took a shower and got in bed with my food... Bliss. Later we decided to go out for a nice Seafood dinner at the Coeur d' Alene Resort.
And thus begins the off-season! :) I was sore ALL weekend from the show. Flexing & posing so long made me incredibly sore in my quads, abs & back! But I spent Monday right back on track with the diet so I can ease carbs back in, was all over the water even though it made me realize how bloated I truly was haha! And was right back on cardio & weights to put these calories to use. I'm itching to plan my next shows, but excited for time to improve and work on wedding & business stuff. I'll update with my professional photos & video when I get it!
Thanks for all your support everyone! :) You guys kept me going!